Monday, April 30, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Blake turns 3 months

On April 4th, Blake turned 3 months old.  He's my little man.  I call him smiley all the time because he is such a happy baby.  Blake is very close to rolling over and think he will do it in the next week or so.  He still doesn't like tummy time too much - but getting better everyday.  Blake started daycare this month since I went back to work.  He is doing great at daycare & adjusting well!  I love watching him & Addison interact with each other.  Blake loves watching Addison - she is such a good big sister and loves her baby brother so much!!  You can tell that Blake loves his sister too!  I'm enjoying them two getting along - I am sure one day they will have their moments of not getting along.  So for now I enjoy seeing them love each other!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blake is 2 Months Old

Blake turned 2 months on March 4th. He is such a sweet little boy. He is very chill. He only fusses when he is hungry, has a dirty diaper or sleepy. Well I take that back; he does not enjoy car rides for the most part. He fusses a good bit in the car. But for the most part he just goes with the flow! He eats every 2-3 hours still. I cannot get him to go longer between feedings - lets just say he likes to eat! He loves his big sister Addison. I will post a picture in the next few days of him smiling at her - it is so sweet to see them to interact. He watches her already - I pray that they continue to have a great relationship!
Blake does not like tummy time. For the most part he just puts his head down and refuses to pull his head up. I have noticed that he favors his right side. I actually noticed it about a month ago; but, his doctor, Dr. Wilkes said just to try to make him look to his left side. She said that we would not do anything about it until 4-6 months if he is still favoring the right side.
Blake is such a blessing in our lives!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy V-Day

Happy Valentines Day!

More Birthday Celebrations

We celebrated Addison's birthday with family the weekend after her birthday. We went out to Jalapnos to celebrate both her's and Spencer's birthday. At Jalapnos we had the staff come out to sing to both of them. It scared Addison and she started to cry. We then came back to our house for cake & ice cream for Addison and Specer had cheesecake. We will plan a birthday party with friends in June and do a half birthday at the pool!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Addison!

Addison turned 4 on February 8, 2012. Wow, where has the time gone. She is growing into such a beautiful little girl inside and out. Yes, we have the normal power struggles that go along with growing up; but, she really is a sweet little girl. She loves to giggle and have fun!! She has Nick's sense of humor and can get the attention of a room with her wit and humor. She remains to be such a smart little girl!!

We are keeping Addison home on Wednesdays while I am on maternity leave and it just so happened that her birthday was on a Wednesday (although I am sure we would have given her the choice even if not on a Wednesday). We baked cupcakes for her class which we took to school the next day. She loves baking and helping in the kitchen! She gets that from Nick too!! All who know me know that I hate the kitchen!! We had a birthday cake and spaghetti with meatballs that night for dinner. She and Nick made the meatballs the night before because that is what Addison said she wanted for her birthday dinner (spaghetti with meatballs)! Happy Birthday to my sweet little Addison!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blake turns 1 Month Old!

Blake turns one month on February 4! It's hard to believe one month has passed! He is really a good baby. He is still very much inn that sleepy stage. He eats, sleeps, and poops a lot! I do not remember Addison having as many bowel movements. I guess he is just falling in his Daddy's foot steps! He likes to eat ALOT too!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Growing Boy

At Blake's two week appointment, he weighed 7 pounds & 11 onuces. Then today, I had to take him to the doctor because his left eye had yucky mucus and I wanted to make sure not infected. It is a clogged tear duct as I suspected. Anyways, he weighed 9 pounds at todays appointment. I would say he is a growing boy!

Addison loves her little brother. She is such a great big sister! She loves giving him kisses and hugs and is super sweet towards him. Blake loves just looking at Addison. The other day, it was so sweet, Blake was crying and Addison started to sing one of the songs from her Christmas Program (Hush Little Rooster) and Blake stopped crying! He loves her singing to him.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blake Nicholas Grayson

Blake Nicholas Grayson

January 4, 2012

7 pounds 1 ounces

20 1/4 inches

born at 2:23pm

Yes, I have been SLACK with blogging. I can't promise that I will keep up as well as I did when Addison was born; but, I am going to try to at least post pictures on the blog occasionally!