Monday, May 11, 2009

Funny Swimsuit

More pool time....these photos are from 2 weekends ago. We went up to Westbrook & went swimming! Don't laugh at Addison's swimsuit. It is one of those swimsuits that has the float in it. It was pretty much worthless at this point. Until she understands that she can't put her head in the water without holding her breath, the bathing suit will not do much good. Maybe by the end of the summer it will come in handy. It the mean time, you can laugh at how funny the suit looks on Addison!! I just laughed the whole time we were at the pool with her in the bathing suit!!

Enjoying a Popsicle after the pool. Grandma & Grandpa got Addison some bunny Popsicle holders for Easter. The kind where you put your own juice in the freezer! Addison loves them and its nice because we can make some yummy Popsicles too!!

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