Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun in the Sun - Tybee Island

Gary & Kerri rented a beach house for Alex's birthday and they invited us to come & stay with them! Thank you Gary & Kerri for the invite.....we enjoyed it so much!!! We went down on Thursday evening after work and got settled in. Then on Friday our plans were to go to the beach & enjoy watching the kids play. Well, it was overcast all day and looked as if it was going to rain at any point. Finally around 4ish Kerri & I decided we were going to take Addison & Alex down to the beach just to run around! As you can see Addison loved every minute of it! So did Alex!
Nick and Gary finally came down so I snapped this quick shot on the way back from the beach! We headed back to the beach house so we could get ready for the Beach Bum parade that evening.

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