Sunday, May 10, 2009

15 Months

15 Months
So much has happen this month.....Addison is growing up so fast!!! She loves having books read to her. She loves sitting in our laps and having us read to her! It's so cute because she will go grab a book, bring it to you, and then backup & sit down in our laps!!
Addison is following direction even more now and also starting to disobey directions too! I had to put her in "time-out" for the first time this month. She loves pulling hair and she needs to understand that it hurts! She doesn't like time-out at all. She is just like her Daddy and can't sit still so time out really gets to her! Let's just hope that it helps with the pulling hair!
Addison has been able to shake her head no for a long time; but, she now can shake her head yes! It's so cute because she almost shakes her whole body when shaking it yes! Along with shaking her head, Addison is starting to communicate so well. I am loosing count of the words that she is saying. It's seems like everyday, she says a new word (well maybe not everyday; but, at least every few days). Addison new words for the month are no, all done, bath time, juice, book, shoe, walk (cute story of that in a minute), and balloon & milk (although both of these words, we understand what she is saying; but, someone else may not)! But the biggest word of all was MAMA!!! It was music to my ears!!!!!
Addison is obsessed with shoes!!! The girl loves shoes. My mom (Grandma) and I went shopping and Addison was with us. She saw a pair of flip flops. Needless to say, we were not walking out that store without her getting a pair! I think Nick and I are in trouble if the girl already loves shoes!! Addison loves putting on our shoes at home and walking in them. It's so cute because she will start walking in our shoes while saying "walk, walk, walk"!! Too cute....I need to try to get a video of it!
Addison still loves being outside and we have a hard time getting her inside. She will go limp when we try to bring her in.....the girl is getting so sassy!! On top of her love for being outside, she LOVES being in the water!!! She loves the pool and has no fear of it. We are doing to do swim lessons this summer....we can't wait! I think she will have a blast!!
Addison continues to eat a variety of foods; however, her appetite has slowed a little. She doesn't seem to eat as much right now. She has learned this month how to use a fork really well and is getting better with the spoon!
Addison is such a joy for Nick and I!!! Addison - you bring so much fun, excitement, love, and pure joy to our lives!! We are so thankful for you and you are a true blessing to us!!!

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