Monday, April 27, 2009

Splash Time...

We went to the pool for the first time this year. The Teeple's invited us over to their house for a swim! Addison had a blast! I was worried that Addison was going to be uneasy or afraid of the water! Well, that is not the case at all.....let's just say, she has no fear!!! I think if we would have let her jump off the side of the pool she would have jumped o us in the pool! We had swimmies for her; but, she didn't want them on. I think once she realizes that they will keep her floating without holding on to us she will love them! She didn't want to be in the round float either! She put her face in the pool several times.....we have got to get this child in swim lessons this summer!! Catherine (aka Aunt Cat to Addison), is a great swimmer and teaches swim lessons, was playing with Addison in the pool on Sunday. When Cat was holding Addison it was like she wanted to take off swimming....I took a series of pictures that you will see!! I am looking forward to all the fun times we have outside this summer!! We are such a spring/summer family!! We love being outside & enjoying each other!!! Here's to a wonderful summer......

1 comment:

rachel30606 said...

Looks like a great day! It's good Addison likes the water so much. I don't think most kids her age would put their face in and try to swim.