Friday, April 24, 2009

5th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Nick! I cannot believe that we have been married 5 years! At times, it seems like just yesterday; but, then on the other hand it feels like we have been together forever! I mean that last statement in a good way.

Nick - Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. I know that there are times that we drive each other crazy; but, that's what makes me love you even more! It so funny how your love changes or a better word would be how your love grows with time. I remember once my Grandmother saying that she loves my Granddaddy; but, her loves is different than it was in the beginning of their relationship. And they have been married for over 50 years so I think they know what they are talking about when it comes to marriage!! Nick - I look forward to us celebrating our 50th anniversary many years from now!! You are my better balance me!!!

Thank you for being so wonderful to me and a wonderful Daddy to Addison. Everyday that I see you with her, it makes my heart melt!! Thank you!!!

To celebrate our 5th anniversary, we went to Vic's on the River! When I got off work that afternoon, I went for a pedi and then came home. When I got home, Nick was there and sitting on the counter was a gift. Nick and I have always thought it was fun to look up with the traditional and modern gift recommendations are for the appropriate anniversary. Then we see if we can find something for the other with that in mind. Well for 5 years, the traditional gift idea was wood and the modern was silverware.

Inside the nicely wrapped gift was a beautiful sterling silver necklace and a sterling silver bracelet. I need to take a picture & post. He did a great job, the jewelry was so pretty and I will enjoy wearing it!! So as you can see Nick went for the "silverware". I on the other hand went for a play on words with "wood." I got Nick golf lessons....(on his certificate I did a play on word about clubs & WOODS. You know isn't there a Wood driver or something like that in golf. Okay now I am showing my stupidity about golf. Anyways, I think he liked the gift idea (thanks to Patrick for helping me come up with the idea)!!

The rest of these pictures were taken with my crappy point & shoot camera. We just snapped a quick shot before leaving for dinner that night. Then I also grabbed a pictures of Vic's and of the river when we went walking on the river after dinner! Nick - thank you for a wonderful 5 years.....I look forward to many, many more!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

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