Shelley is one of my very good friends. We have been friends since childhood! I say it often on this blog; but, it is so wonderful to have friends such as her! I am honored that she asked me to take Kailyn's 18 month pictures while they were in town visiting her parents. Shelley and her family live in Athens. It was great getting to visit on Sunday too.....Shell - sorry that Addison got sick on Saturday & we couldn't go out Saturday night!
Here is a sneak peak of a few of the pictures that I took of Kailyn and her new little sister Aubrey. I mainly focused on Kailyn; but, snap just a few of Aubrey.

Shelley - I hope to have all the pictures posted by the end of this weekend! Love you...thanks again for trusting me to do Kailyn's 18 month pictures!