Thursday, July 2, 2009

Water Bottles & Tops

Addison loves trying to put buckles & such together. The other day my Mom caught her trying to take the screws off her little riding car at their house! Well I captured her trying to get the top on the water bottle. First she loves drinking out of a water bottle. I only let her do it outside. While she has gotten pretty good at drinking out of it; I still do not want it all in my house if she should have an accident. So we were outside and I was letting her drink out of a water bottle. Well she took the top from me and insisted that she get the top on. She would not let me help her either. She got frustrated a few times; but, I always tell her when trying to do something & she gets frustrated to be patient. So I did the same this day....well, she finally got it....she even turned the top! Then she would take the top off and start all over again!

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