Friday, July 17, 2009

Valdosta Fun

Addison & I headed to Valdosta Monday morning for a visit with Buddy, Laura & the kids. We had a great time. Thank you for allowing us to hang-out with you guys for a few days. Addison loves being with her cousins!! She enjoyed having Ben, Sarah & Caroline around non-stop!! Sarah took up so much time with Addison. Sarah is so calm & caring with Addison. Of course Ben & Caroline did the same as well and took up lots of fun time with her as well!!! On Monday when we got there we just hung out at the house & enjoyed letting Addison run around in the back yard & play in the pool that they had set-up. Then Uncle Buddy came home & we had a delicious meal. On Tuesday, we got up & hung out a while then took Addison to the pool to wear her our a bit for a nap. Addison loved riding on the golf cart going to the clubhouse pool. Aunt Laura let her "drive". She thought she was big stuff!!! Aunt Laura also let her play with water at the sink & all kinds of fun stuff!! Thanks again for a great time hanging out!!! I wish we could do it more often!!!

Addison loved riding on the golf cart. Aunt Laura even let her "drive"! She thought she was big stuff driving!!! Can't you tell by that cheesy smile!!

Aunt Laura shaved ice for Addison. Addison LOVES ice!! Aunt Laura was kind enough to shave ice so Addison could enjoy eating it!! That was a great idea & now Mommy must go get an ice shaver to do the same. We even did slushies too while there which Addison loved as well!!

Aunt Laura also let Addison play in the water in the sink at the house. Can you see a pattern here. Aunt Laura spoiling Addison!!! I asked Laura, are you sure that you want to let her do that"? She is going to make a mesh and sure enough she did!!! But Addison loved every minute of it!!!

Running around with Uncle Buddy, Ben, Sarah & Caroline!!! They were all chasing Addison & she loved playing with them!!!

Pool time on Monday. We decided that we would take Addison to the pool Wednesday before we got back on the road

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