Addison learned how to really throw a ball this month too. She continues to like to read books. She likes to sit in your lap and have books read. She will also point to objects in the books and tell you what they are if she knows. She has really taken to baby dolls this month. She loves her baby dolls. She holds them and gives them hugs and kisses!
It is so funny (well not really), Addison when she doesn't get her way or wants something that she can't have she stomps her feet and cries! You would think that the world is ending! I just have to laugh.
Addison said certain family members name this month for the first time. Papa was the first. Then Laura (but it's actually Waura). She can also say Alex too. We have pictures of family members and special friends around the house and she will bring them to me so I can tell her who is in the picture. On the ones that she knows, she tells me. She even has some knowledge of what family members belong to who. Nick and I were talking about a picture of Addison where she looked like our niece Carolina.....well as soon as I said Carolina, Addison looked at me and said Waura (Laura).
Addison continues to LOVE the water. She is able to keep herself afloat with just swimmies. She will stand on the side of the pool and lean forward to you...."jumping in". She hasn't jumped in on her own yet; but, like I said she stands on the side and waits for you to put your hands with hers and then she jumps!
Addison is so funny and loves getting reactions from people. She is full of life and keeps Nick and I on our toes!! We love being parents to Addison. She is a true joy and pleasure. We love you baby girl!
I went ahead & included this pictures. While we were taking Addison's 17 months pictures, the ducks were in the back yard. She went running towards them with no fear....she just kept saying duck, duck, duck!! We ended up coming inside getting some bread & fed the ducks!! She really liked feeding the ducks!!!
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