Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A day at the Beach with the Dart's & Youngblood's

We met the Dart's & the Youngblood's at the beach on Saturday! We had a great time & can't wait to do it again soon!! Everyone had a great time; but, boy it is so different going to the beach with kids. You never get to just sit down & relax in the sun!! It's still tons of fun!!

Hadden & McCall (1st trip to the beach)
If you can't tell Addison does not mind getting a little dirty! She loves rolling around in the sand at the beach. Oh & eating it too!! I'm hoping by the end of the summer she will grow out of this nasty habit (eating the sand)!

Addison & Alex enjoying each other company!
Jackson & Addison play so well together! Jackson is so sweet to Addison. Addison & Jackson were giving each other a hug & I captured it with the camera!
I love this picture of Addison & Jackson. They were playing on Jackson's boogie board together. It's it sweet!!
Jackson letting Addison take off with his boogie board. Like she was going to use it in the water!! Actually she would try if we would let her. The child has no fear!!

This was my attempt to get a photo of Addison, Alex, & Jackson. As you can see Addison was not a happy camper. Right before the photo Nick made her mad....he took something from her & well she was not happy. The other two were looking at Addison like, will you please stop crying so we can get this photo over with already!
Grandma came along with us to the beach!!

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