Tuesday, June 9, 2009

16 Months - June 8th

Addison turned 16 months on the 8th of June. As I say every month, she continues to amaze us! Addison continues to love being outside. Just yesterday we took her to the park & when I asked her if she was ready to go.....she quickly shook her head no. Then she proceed to run from me.
Addison is so smart.....she can put her sandals on all by herself and actually insists that she does it. She is becoming more & more independent which makes us sad that she is growing up so fast; but, excited to see what she will do or learn next. It's those bittersweet moments!
I really have lost count of the words that she is saying....one cute word/phrase that she says is "no more". What makes it so cute is she does her hands out and says it at the same time. I also taught her the sign language for "more" and she does it when asking for more of something. So she says it & does the little motion....it is so cute!!!
Addison is copying things we do & say even more & more now!! I told Nick that we need to really be careful of what we say.
When I bring the camera out (which isn't often - yeah right....if you believe that, then you do not know me very well), I can say cheese to her & she sometimes will look at me & say cheese while smiling at me. Of course that doesn't last too long; but, it's super cute when she does it.
Addison continues to be a good eater in the sense of she eats a variety of veggies & fruits; but, she is not eating as much portion wise these days! She is very independent when feeding herself. She can use both a fork & spoon pretty well. Don't get me wrong, she still drops stuff; but, she has the overall idea. Addison has now moved to eating at the table. She loves being a big girl eating at the table with us!!
She hates having her teeth brushed so Daddy & I have to hold her down. You would think that after doing it so much that she would realize that its not that bad.
At school, they decided to move Addison up early. So she is now officially in the Toddler 1 class which is for 18 months to 2 years. Mrs. Patty said that they were moving some of her other little friends and really felt like she could hold her own in the class. So we made the decision to move her up!!! She seems to like it so far. This morning when I left her, she was washing her hands; but, standing on the stool that they have for them to stand on at the sink. It was so neat seeing her standing on that stool at the sink washing her hands & loving it!! I know this seems silly; but, it made me think about how fast she is growing up!!
Here are a few pictures that I took this weekend. Normally I take Addison's monthly picture on the 8th of the month; but, I took these two days early. Close enough...right?

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