Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oyster Roast 2009

This was Addison's first oyster roast. My parents have an annual oyster. Last year, we were worried that I was going to go into labor during the oyster roast. We even had plans as to what we would do if I did. I mean not really & truly planned out; but, we did talk about it. We ended up having Addison 6 days later on her scheduled c-section date (she was breech so it was scheduled). So back to this years oyster roast. Addison had a wonderful time! She loved being outside. She enjoyed the music & danced to it. She ended up hanging in there until 10pm that night (2 hours after her normal bedtime). She was a trooper!!

There were so many babies this year at the oyster roast.....I can't wait until next year's when they are all running around!!!

It was so sweet, we told Addison & Foster to hug & they did it! On Sunday, I told Addison to give Foster a kiss on the cheek. Addison opened her month (this is the way that she kisses) and leaned into Foster....Foster leaned to her. It was so sweet.

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