Monday, February 2, 2009

Banana Popsicles

Yummy......Addison loves banana popsicles. We found this out while she was sick. At least now, she can actually enjoy them!!! Our Miss Independent must carry it on her own. Nick was trying to feed it to her; but, she insisted that she needed to hold it. So we finally thought we would give her a shot at doing it herself. She actually did a great job & did not make too much of a mess. Of course, Mommy made her stay in the kitchen while enjoying it. I think we would a new treat that Addison will especially love this summer!!
We would ask Addison for bite & she would "give us a bite".....yeah, right if you were fast enough. She would place at your month then immediately pull it away. I guess she wanted to show that she would share; but, she sure didn't want you to get much of her popsicle.

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