Sunday, February 8, 2009

Addison turns ONE!!!

Happy 1st Birthday!!!
It's so hard to believe that Addison is ONE! This year has flown by; but, I guess that what they say.......time flies when you are having FUN!! And we have been doing just that with Addison. She has brought so much fun & excitement to our lives! I mean Nick and I had a wonderful marriage pre-Addison; but, she really just helps to complete us as a family!!!

Addison is a wonderful child! She is growing up so's so funny because we get so excited each time she does something new or figures out something different. But, it's also a little sad because that little baby that we had a year ago is now a toddler growing up to be a sweet little girl!

Addison is walking so well now....really almost running!!! I was wondering if by being the hospital for almost a week where she could not really practice her walking skills was going to slow her down with walking? Well, she pick right back up where she left off. Addison loves to climb. She actually got her first "ouch report" two days before her birthday. I'm sure it will not be the last. I figured we are doing pretty good to not have gotten one previous to now.

Addison is still not saying Mama......that will certainly be music to my ears once she finally does. Addison communicates so well for her age. She will point at something if she wants it. Sometimes she even will say "that" and point when she wants something. At least that is what it sounds like.

Addison continues to be a good eater!!! At school they say that she always gets the good eater award! I asked her doctor if we should limit her food intake any (because she can eat), he responded to let her eat as much as she wants. He says that because she is in the 25 percentile in weight there is no need to watch what she eats. He said this is a great example of how exercise (ie an active baby) can do wonderful things!!!

At her one year check up she weighed exactly 20 pounds (that means, we can turn Miss Addison around forward facing in the car seat). This puts her in the 25th percentile for her weight. She is 30 1/4 inches tall (90th percentile). Then her head circumference was in the 25th percentile (but I cannot remember the exact measurement). Basically he said all her measurements looked great & no worries. He gave us the okay to do the switch to whole milk. So we are starting that transition. Dr. Shelley wants us to start slow because we are hoping to be able to give her whole milk rather than soy. So he just wants us to start slow....I guess so that it doesn't "shock" her system! I really hope that she can tolerate the whole milk. So far so good!!!

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