Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dancing Fever
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Bath Time or Drink Time
Monday, February 16, 2009
Forward Facing
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Oyster Roast 2009

Birthday Weekend
Uncle Pat & Addison in the chairs that Pat made. Pat actually made all the chairs. He did a great job! If you are interested in him making you one; he does sell them!!!
Foster came all the way from Atlanta so he could help Addison celebrate her birthday. He is going to be a big brother in 3 weeks!!! Chrissie, Foster's Mom, Addison's Godmother, and my best friend is having a little girl!! We are all excited & cannot wait until her arrival. Anyways, Chrissie, Shane & Foster all made the trip down for Addison's birthday and the oyster roast for the weekend. They stayed with us and as always, we enjoyed having them as guest!!!!
Addison with one of her cousins, Alex.
The big girl walking in after eating her cake & having some play time with Foster & Alex!
Addison had a wonderful birthday weekend...thank you to all the family & Keebaugh family (who counts as family) for making her 1st birthday so special. I'll post her 1 year marker board pictures sometime this weekend!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dr. Alaine "Chrissie" Case Keebaugh
Monday, February 9, 2009
Smash Cake

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Happy First Birthday Addison
Also, Happy Birthday to Brett & Ethan, Anna H. & Anne & her twin sister, and I feel like I am missing one other person that was born on February 8th!!! What a great day! I wish all of you a wonderful & happy birthday. May you all have a wonderful & blessed year!!!!
Addison turns ONE!!!
It's so hard to believe that Addison is ONE! This year has flown by; but, I guess that what they say.......time flies when you are having FUN!! And we have been doing just that with Addison. She has brought so much fun & excitement to our lives! I mean Nick and I had a wonderful marriage pre-Addison; but, she really just helps to complete us as a family!!!