Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2010

St Patrick's Day is one of those days that Nick and I love. We love spending time with family and friends! Nick and some of our friends (the husbands) have taken over the actual planning of the events for St Patty's Day. It is very nice having them plan the day. It is so funny they start having "meetings" about the big day the day after St Patrick's Day. For instance this year, they did a conference call the day after to access what was good and what didn't go well. Then they meet again about 6 months before St Patrick's Day, then again about another 3 months before to go over duties and to start getting the event in order. Then they have various meetings leading up to the event. The handle everything securing our spot, deciding who is going to bring what foods and what items. All the females have to do is show up with the kids!!! I just want to say how thankful I am for them and how well they do planning the event!

The above is the spot that the men secured! Yes, everyone in the picture somehow is associated with someone in the main group. Once someone comes to our spot they never want to leave or go elsewhere for the parade.
This is Addison new "cheese smile". Too funny....

Addison wearing Alex's hat

That sure was a yummy green cookie!!

Mom & Dad enjoying the parade

The kids in the "cage".


Payton all smiles

Addison watching the parade with Uncle Michael & Aunt Cat

At this point in the day, it was way past Addison's nap time. She was starting to get a little sleepy. By the time we left from downtown that afternoon, she could barely walk.

Mason & Addison playing together - trying to climb the tree.

Time to call it a day when your child gets on the bench and tries to lay down to sleep.

Yes, I took pictures of Port-a-Potties - Why, you ask? Because they were our own personal port-a-potties. I told you the guys planned everything. They even went as far this year to get port-a-potties! Which I might say was an excellent idea - one for the guys and one for the girls!!!! Again, guys thanks for all your planning & preparing for the big day! We had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year!!

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