Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Addison's love for Horses

We went to Hayden & Lukes"s Birthday party Saturday, March 20th. They had the party at Norwood Stables. It was great weather for an outside party!! We discovered at the party that Addison loves horses!! She was the only child that rode the horse over and over and over again! I seriously think she rode more than any other child! She first got on the pony then couldn't wait to get on the horse which was much larger. I was surprised that she didn't have a fear of the horse - instead she hopped right on and was ready to ride!!

Hayden (the birthday girl - 2 years old)
McCall & Addison
Sorry for so many horse pictures - I know you will not believe this; but, I actually stop taking pictures of the horse rides since she rode so many times.


rachel30606 said...

That is pretty cool! Most kids cry when you try to put them on a real horse when they are that little.

Anna Johnson said...

Cute! And that first picture you should enter into a contest or something. Honestly it is a GREAT picture.