Tuesday, August 11, 2009

18 months

Addison is growing up so fast. Her verbal skills are getting so good. She is starting to put together 2 word phrases. She is so sweet. She even has manners...she says thank you & please when appropriate. It's so cute, when she wants more of something, she says, "more, please". She has put together one sentence so far too....."Here I come." She says this when going down the slide and running around the house. Addison knows who she is......we can ask what her name is & she says Addison and point to herself!! It's so cute.
She is really starting to interact & actually play with kids more. She loves older kids. She has started the "mine" phase. We are trying our best to teach sharing. I know all kids have to go though this phase. The word mine just drives me crazy. Addison loves her dolls!! Most of the time now, she has to walk out the house with a doll or stuffed animal. She often times tries to grab 2; but, we tell her she has to pick only one to take with her in the car.
Addison continues to want to be a big helper. She helps me put the clothes into the dryer after being cleaned. She also gets her vacuum out when I am vacuuming. She does the same with the bloom. Let's just hope that this willingness to help continues into the teen years.
She will now pretend that you are on the phone. She does not say much...just "hello Papa" or simply "hello". Addison will also say bye-bye. When I am talking on the phone with Grandma and ask if she wants to talk to her, she say yes. Then she gets on the phone & says "hello"....then simply listen. Once she is done listening, Addison starts to give the phone kisses and say bye-bye. Then she is off to the next thing.
This month, Addison started to watch cartoons for a little while. Yes, Mommy and Daddy are bad parents & we let her watch tv. Shame on us......but she now LOVEs the movie Monsters, Inc. We thought that she might be scared of it so we didn't let her watch it until she insisted one day. We were wrong....Addison LOVED it! Mommy and Daddy get sick of watching it and have to encourage her to watch other movies. Other movies that she ask for is George (Curious George), Cars, and Nemo.
Addison continues to not like having her teeth brushed. It is a daily struggle...maybe one day she will not mind.
Addison you are such a true joy to Mommy and Daddy!! You make us laugh so much! There is never a day that you do not amaze us with something new or funny. We LOVE you so much and words cannot express how much!!! It is so great to have you run to us when we pick you up from school or when we get home from work!! We can have a bad day at work & you are sure to brighten it up the minute we see you!!!! You are so beautiful inside and out!!!

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