Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 5 at the Hospital

Day 5 - Will today be the day we get to go home? On a positive note, they took the IV tube off. She still has the actual IV in; but, they capped it so she is not hooked up to the machine any more!!! This will allow for more free movement! Both Mommy & Daddy are happy about this! We gave Addison a bath last night. She had not had one since the night before we were admitted to the hospital.
While we are waiting to find out if today will be the day, I thought I would snap a few shots of Scuba Steve and his friends that Nick has commented on to a few of you. Nick, Addison & I all I think are sick of Scuba Steve & his friends. Here are a few shots of our ceiling......
Scuba Steve
Ted the Turtle
Sam the Seal

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