Wow - 11 months old on January 8, 2009!!
Where is the time going? What has Addison been up to this month?
Well, the biggest accomplishment this month is that she started walking!! A few days before Christmas she took a couple of steps. Ever since then, she has continued to take more & more steps each day. She is starting to use walking as her main mode of transportation. She has gotten to the point that she always will start out walking. Sometimes she gets where she wants to go by walking and other times, she falls & continues to crawl the rest of the way. She has become very independent this month! She will not let Mommy or Daddy feed her. She wants to do it herself!! Spoon & all....so if we are feeding her something that needs a spoon we have to give her a spoon & she does it (we slip our spoon in every other bit)!! Addison continues to love her veggies!!! We still have not found a vegetable that she doesn't like. Mommy & Daddy hope this trend continues!! She did discover sweets this month. Okay so we are bad parents, I was eating a Swiss Cake roll & I gave her a little bit. Well now anytime I have a sweet snack she must have a little bit of it!! I'm just thankful that she loves her veggies more than the sweets! She will eat ham, turkey, and hamburger meat and most fruits. Addison is not a big fan of breakfast! This is the only meal that we struggle with getting her to eat. But, hey - I'm not a breakfast person either so maybe she takes after me in that sense!
Addison continues to be a happy baby!! She loves laughing. She loves pretending that Mommy or Daddy are "coming to get her"!! She just laughs & laughs and tries to "get away"! She still hates to have her diaper changed (I think that is the activeness in her - she gets that from Nick). Oh, she also discovered that she could climb this month!! If there is something to climb on & get higher, she will figure it out. She has no fear!
Verbally, she continues to point at things. We tell her what she is pointing at when she points. She has added dog to her vocabulary. So to date, she says dada, cat, dog, duck on a regular basis. Still no mama. I think she has said it maybe 2 or 3 times. Tonight, I think she said bath time.
Addison continues to try to get the cat. Okay "get the cat" is a nice way of saying; attack the cat. She has not learned how to be gentle with Kat. We work on this everyday! I think she just gets so excited. She loves animals!! Anytime we are around a cat or a dog....it grabs her attention!!
As I say each month, we are so blessed to have such a wonderful, fun, loving child! She is full of so much energy & life!!!
Here are a few of our 11 month pictures....it gets harder & harder to get the pictures as she does not want to stay put next to the board for a picture. Anyways, here is what I got this month.....enjoy!