It's so hard to believe that Addison is 6 months old! What has Addison done so far at 6months....she is sitting up by her self. She started eating solids & actual really likes them! Addison's favorite baby foods are squash, green beans, pears, applesauce....okay well she likes all baby foods except peas. I can't say I blame her.....I do not like peas either! Of course, I would not tell her that. She is such a good little eater!!! She is only taking 4 ounces of formula at each bottle feeding. She eats about every 4-5 hours. Addison is also trying to "crawl". She can scoot backwards, turn in a circle.....she just can't figure out how to move forward on her own. I am sure that it's just a matter of time before she figures that one out. She already from time to time gets on her knees when she is trying to reach something in front of her (that only happens when she really wants something). I seem to think she will be crawling soon; but, who knows it could be another few months!!! Only time will tell.....
I'm sure that I am missing other things that Addison can do by 6 months....oh, she can hold her own bottle.....however, she still at this point prefers for us to hold it for her. BUT she can hold it & feed her self. She loves playing with her activity table that Grandma/Lolly got for her!!! She is starting to bang things around just to hear the noise.....she started this when sitting in the highchair at dinner times. She is now sitting in the grocery cart....she really thinks she is a big girl!!! We put her in the grocery cart for the first time this weekend!!! She was like wow...this is like a ride!!! She was looking all around & loved every minute of it!!! She has always been such a curious baby & loves to see what is going on around.
Okay, sorry to give you all this info.....I guess I am trying to record some of what Addison is doing since I have not been so good at filling out her baby book!
Here are Addison's 6 month pictures (sorry most of them are the same pictures...I could not decide which one to upload)......

1 comment:
I cannot believe she is already 6 months. She is getting really big. I just love those little curls in the back of her hair!
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