Friday, August 1, 2008

Addison sits up......well with the support of her hands!

Addison sits up with the support of her hands....not sure if that counts as "sitting up" or not? I'm excited either way. It is so amazing how fast she is growing up. I can't believe that she will be 6 months next week. I was looking at some pictures today of when she was first she was so tiny. I guess it is a bittersweet feeling....sad that she is growing up & getting bigger; but, excited of what is to come with her! Nick and I enjoy each & everyday with her. She brings so much excitement to our lives!!!!

Here are a few pictures from last weekend at the pool. Addison loves the water!!! She doesn't want to get out when it's time to take a break. Let's just hope that she loves the water next year. I think I am going to take her to a covered pool during the winter so she stays interested in the water & enjoys it!!!

Addison & Kat

Addison loves Kat. She gets so excited when she sees her. It's so funny....she starts kicking her legs & making little sounds of excitement!! She can be on the floor & Kat will come over & before you know if somehow Addison works her way over there to her. (I'm only talking about a few inches; but, it's still funny.) Kat has been great....Addison has pulled her hair, pulled her ears, grabbed her legs, bit her leg, and bit her body (well not really bite; but, her mouth has come in contract with her leg...oh & her tail)....& Kat just let's her. Once she has had enough, she just walks away! Well that is it for now....I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

1 comment:

cassandra-m said...

she is getting so big so fast. I know you are glad you are documenting so well with photos. i love the pics with Kat. reminds me of Brooks & Barkley, now if Kat would kiss her...ha.ha.