We just got back from Grayton Beach, FL. We had a wonderful time & it was great being with friends to celebrate the 4th! Three years ago, my childhood friends, started to go on vacation together. I think it is amazing that we have been able to get together every summer for the past three years. In years past, we have gone to Tybee; but, this year we decided to go somewhere different. (Nick and I were glad that we finally made the decision to go somewhere other than Tybee - don't get me wrong, I love Tybee; but, it's just not vacation for Nick & I)! Shane suggested that we go to Grayton Beach (his family went to this beach when he was a child). Shane made a great suggestion!!! I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Grayton Beach was wonderful....it is a small, family style beach! You feel very safe there & it is beautiful too! I think we are ready to book next years vacation there again! Before I forget, Chrissie, tell Shane thank you for getting together everything for this years trip!!!! It was awesome!
So on to the actual vacation....the drive down was great. Nick & I were both super excited about a week of vacation & spending time with fabulous friends! Addison did a great job on the drive. We only had to stop 2 times for a 6 hour drive. We arrived tired but excited about the week to come. It rained both Sunday & Monday so Sunday we didn't do much....just tried to get all in order for the rest of the week. Shane & Nick went grocery shopping which took them like 4 hours.....wow (I guess when you are buying for 14 adults & 9 kids that's what happens). The rest of us just sat around & caught up. Then on Monday, the girls decided to have their "girl day" so we went shopping!!! We had lots of fun...it was so nice chatting with no kids or interruptions. Then the sun finally came out on Tuesday so we headed to the beach. It ended up pretty the rest of the week. Addison was not too fond of the beach.....she could only handle about 2-3 hours at a time. I bet she is going to be a blast at next years vacation.....she will be 17 or 18 months. I will post some pictures & try to say a little with each picture about the week.....
This is just a few of the pictures. The pictures are from my camera & others that took pictures. We took almost 1000 pictures all together! WOW - I guess that is what happens when you have such cute kids!!!!!
This is what our SUV looked like before we left Saturday morning....we took so much stuff. Wow you have to take a lot with a baby. You can't even see the storage bag that we had strapped on the top of the Pilot.

This is a picture of the first night. We all decided that we would go eat at The Red Bar. It was late & we had to wait a little over an hour to be seated. Needless to say Addison & Foster both feel asleep waiting...which was good! BUT the bad was when the band starting playing a loud horn & both woke up with their eyes wide open!!

Foster & Addison playing together. Foster was trying to teach Addison how to pull up on things! Foster is so close to walking. I really thought he would start walking on vacation. I told Chrissie that she had to call & let me know when it finally does happen. I know that it is going to be any day now!
This picture is from "Girls Day". It rained on Monday so the girls decided we would go shopping & leave all the kids with the Dad's. Boy I wish I could have been a fly on the wall back at the beach house that day. The guys say it was a piece of cake watching the kids. I don't think they would ever tell us otherwise. Although, when we got back, it did look like they had everything under control. We all have such good husbands!!! They are wonderful Daddy's too!!! Thanks to all our husband's for being so wonderful to all of us. I know that we all have our moments; but, thanks for putting up with us. Thanks for being so involved with your children. Okay sorry to get a little sappy there....
But the girls had a wonderful time & to end the day of shopping we went to Cheese Burger in Paradise for a drink!

Addison & Megan sleeping on the beach. Don't they look so sweet!!!!

These pictures are from the "guy day". The guys decided to go deep sea fishing. They caught their limit & provided us with a nice dinner that night.

This was our set-up most of the week at the beach. There was a neat little lagoon that you did not have to worry about the kids as much as in the ocean right there on the beach. Then of course the ocean was right there too. The only bad thing about the lagoon is that it was not as pretty as the ocean.

Introductions to all the kids.......okay so I do not need to introduce Addison.


I got Foster & Addison matching swimsuits to wear while on vacation. Of course I wanted a picture of them both in the suits.....well this is as good as it gets. Yeh, not good! We could not get Addison to look up because the sun was so bright. I think she is going to have sensitive eyes just like me. Anyways, they really did look cute with their matching swimsuits!

Addison again....





Brady (his twin brothers did not come on the vacation....they stayed with the Grandparents)


Landon & Travis again.....with Luke (Megan & Luke are siblings)

While the girls were on our shopping trip, we found matching swimsuits for all the kids. Our idea was to get a picture of all the kids together.......Well, so see below for our attempt to try to get the boys picture. Needless to say we never got all the kids in the suits. It was a good idea; but, oh well. We can try again next year with different outfits! We didn't even get our big group picture this year.....which I really wish we had. Next year we are going to make a point to do it at the beginning of the week!!!

My sweet baby!!

Addison & Megan are just a week apart. Addison is 1 week older than Megan.

Okay, this is the final picture for this post. This picture simply says.....Friends! That is what this trip is about. I want Addison to know all our friends & their children. I want Addison to look back on this when she is older & remember always going on vacation with Mommy's childhood friends and their families. I really should have put "Family" rather than Friends on the photo. My girlfriends are the best. I know alot of people say that; but, it really is true. We all care about each other. It is so rare to have a group of 7 girls that get along so well!!! The other really unique thing is that our husband all get along great too!!! I love the fact that we can all go have our girls day & we do not worry about whether our husband will have something in common....they do, they are friends too!! To all of you....Chrissie, Shane, Melissa, Jeff, Rachel, Scott, Brandi, Travis, Shelley, Chad, Anna, & Jeff.....you all are the best!!!! I love each & every one of you! Thank you for being such fantastic friends! I can't wait to do this again next year!!! I know that I have been a little sappy; but, could get even sappy; but, I will spare all of you reading this blog!
Another wonderful vacation down........& hopefully many more to go!!!!

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