Saturday, July 12, 2008

Addison turns 5 months.

It's hard to believe that Addison is 5 months old. I did her monthly pictures this month in red, white, & blue....okay so when you see my flag drawing.....yes I know that there are not the correct # of stars & stripes.

What is Addison doing new; well.....she starting eating stage 1 baby foods about 3 weeks ago. She is not so wild about rice cereal, loved oatmeal (but broke out in hives, so we had to discontinued it for about a month). Her doctor wants us to try it again in late August; but, just test feed a very small amount. I'm hoping she does okay with it in August. After the reaction with oatmeal, we moved on to yellow veggies. She loves carrots, squash, & sweet potatoes. I like to say that she loves the carrots because I ate so many when I was pregnant. We are finishing up green veggies now; green beans & peas. So she likes the green beans....she tolerates the peas. I wouldn't say that she dislikes them; there are others that she enjoys so much more. We move on to fruits tomorrow. We are going to try apples sauce tomorrow. Which I hope she will like so maybe we can start putting some in her rice cereal to make it more appealing! Addison is a wonderful eater. With each food, Nick and I have the video camera ready thinking we are going to get a spitting out the food.....nothing! She just opens her mouth for more....let's just hope that she keeps up the good eating habits (meaning - loving her veggies & not sweets like her Mommy).

Other new things.....Addison is starting to push up on her hands now. She has been pushing up on her forearms when on she pushes up with hands. She also has been trying to get her legs up under her. Okay, I know you may think I'm crazy.....but really.....this child wants to crawl. I guess time will tell on that! I am currently working with her on sitting up. She loves her Bumbo chair & exersaucer! It is so much fun to watch Addison grow & learn something new each day! She really completes me & I think Nick would say the same too! Okay, on to is Addison's 5 month pictures!


cassandra-m said...

ohhhh my goodness...these pics are precious. I love LOVE the last ones. You know I am a "hat girl" myself. she is TOOOOOOooooo CUTE. I love these. awesome!

rachel30606 said...

Cute, cute, and cuter!! 5 months...hard to believe.