Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kathryn Graduates!!

So this weekend was a very busy weekend. On Saturday, Kathryn, Nick's sister, graduated from Armstrong. She was very excited; now, on to the job search for her. She had a wonderful time at her party Saturday night too!! Here are a few pictures from the graduation & the party.

We had the graduation party at Jimmy & Jodi's house. It was a perfect night to have a party....not too hot & not too cold. Really it was a beautiful day!! Everyone had a great time....there was tons of food. Nick and Jimmy cooked the low country & I hear that it was good! Of course, I was stuck eating chicken fingers since I can't eat shellfish. But the fingers & fruit were wonderful. You can't go wrong with Spanky's chicken fingers. Okay, enough about are a few pics from that night.

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