Monday, December 10, 2007


Foster was born back in August which I think I may have said on an earlier blog. Well, I went up to Atlanta back in October and stayed with Chrissie, Shane, & Foster for a few days. It was so nice hanging out with Chrissie before she went back to work. I told her that we needed to do it more often. While there, I had a little time to set up the back drop so we took some pictures of Foster....he is just so sweet!! Here are a few formal pics with the black back drop & a few from the week that I was visiting! I can't wait for Addison & Foster to meet. Chrissie & I say that we have a pre-arranged marriage set up for Foster and Addison. Of course that would be super cool; but, I really just hope that Foster & Addison are super good friends & that Foster protects her like a big brother!!

Foster was not too happy when we put him in his pumkin outfit; but, he just looked so cute. Chrissie & I got the outfit from Pottery Barn one of the days that we went shopping.

Right before I was getting ready to leave; I realized that I didn't take a picture with Foster & I. He was asleep in his swing so rather than wake him; I just got a picture with him in his swing.

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