Okay, so last night I had dinner with a few girlfriends (which I love each one dearly) and one of them told me update your blog! So, Jamie - this blog is for you! I'll add a few pictures this weekend of some recent photo sessions. So let's see what has been going on....maybe I should say what hasn't been going on lately. Nick and I have been so busy. We picked out our bedding which is from Pottery Barn Kids and we ordered Addison's crib and a dresser. Right now I am trying to decide on the room color for Addison's nursery. I never knew there were so many shades of green out there!!!

Oh, we got registered finally & can I just say I thought registering for a wedding was rough...well deciding what you want for your child is even harder. You have to be concerned with not only if you like the style of it; but, do you need it, is it safe, what the weight size, all kind of things! But we finally did it. We registered at Target & Just for Baby. We tried to register at Babies R U (Toys R Us); but, that didn't go too well, so we decided just to not register there. Now I cannot say enough good things about Just for Baby. They are awesome.....so helpful & their prices are the same as Target! We got our crib & dresser from them; but, they have so much more. As I said above, deciding on what items for Addison was so hard.
I'm 23 weeks pregnant now...wow does time fly! I cannot believe it, between now & June we know of 15 babies that will be born....that doesn't include two of my friends who have had babies in the last 2 months! Wow that's alot of babies....out of that 15 there are 2 set of twins! Still that's a whole lot of pregnant women!
So Nick and I will remain busy for the next 6 months with baby showers & the births of all these babies. I think it is so exciting....Addison will have so many little friends her age! On top of all the babies being born, Nick and I have two weddings April of next year. Nick is in both of the weddings....so we have bachelor parties and showers for them as well. That doesn't include any photo shoots or weddings that I have going on between now & June....busy, busy, busy! That's okay.....things will settle down one day, right?
Prayer Request time - I have a friend, who I will not say her name and I hope she does not mind me writing about, you know who you are. She & her husband have been trying for several years now to have a baby. Well she is having her 3rd IVF (in-vitro) done next week, Oct 24th. If you are reading this, will you please say a prayer for her & her husband that God will bless them with a beautiful baby! She is one of my dearest friends & she was there for me while I was having my minor pre-pregnancy issues. She is so kind spirited and lovely; a wonderful Christian woman. She is already a wonderful Mom to her daughter. Again, please stop what you are doing right now & say a prayer for her....then next week, if you think about her say another prayer; maybe even write it on your calendar for the 24th to say a special prayer for both her & her husband that he procedure works. I know that it has been a roller coaster ride for them and they are such lovely and caring parents and deserve a baby so badly. I love this girl so much and just want her dreams to come true having a little boy or girl; a sister or brother for her daughter. Please say that special prayer....thank you!
Well, I think that wraps it up for today....I know I am really bad at this blog thing. I say it every time, I'll try to get better; but, I guess I can only say that so many times. So I will not say it this time....so till next blog, Take Care.....