Sunday, April 4, 2010

4 Days, 4 Egg Hunts

Easter Day Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 4th
Easter Day was the last egg hunt. We went over to Jimmy & Jodi's house for lunch with the family. While I know that Easter is not about egg hunts and the Easter bunny; we had a great 4 days straight of "Easter Fun". I want Addison to grow up enjoying the egg hunts and Easter Bunny; but, I also want her to know & remember to reflect on the real reason why we celebrate Easter.
Easter Day was lots of fun at Jimmy & Jodi's. The kids played outside with Cooper's new tee ball set. Addison did a great job hitting the ball off the tee ball stand! Of course she has no idea that she is suppose to run the bases; but, enjoyed hitting the ball. She loved every minute of being over there. Papa took her on a practice bike ride. She just enjoyed being outside running around.
We did not manage to get a good family picture that day. It was funny, Addison was all about being in Uncle Gary, Aunt Kerri, and Alex's family picture. Then when it came time to take our family picture, she didn't want anything to do with pictures. Well at least she was all smiles in someones family picture. So the first picture is what we got for our family picture. Nick was a good sport that day with his knee (just 5 days after his knee surgery).

Savannah Quarters - Westbrook Country Club Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 3rd

Then on Saturday after I ran in the Tybee Beach 5K run, we rushed to Westbrook's Easter Egg. We met the Bonorato's at the egg hunt. Marissa and Addison had a great time running around playing and chasing each other other the hunt. You will see Addison used a beach bucket as her basket....I forgot her basket so the beach bucket was what was in the car.
2nd Egg Hunt - Egg Hunt @ Hull Park
Friday, April 2nd

We were invited back again this year to an egg hunt in Hull Park. Addison had a good time this year and actually enjoyed picking up eggs! We met Mason, Payton, Jackson, McCall, and Hadden there. All the kids had a great time running around playing. We all ended up going to dinner afterwards at Tubby and had a nice dinner together. (Well the company was good; the service not so - but at least we were with great friends)

School Easter Egg Hunt in Forsyth Park
Thursday, April 1st

This was the first egg hunt of the year. Addison school took them on a field trip to Forsyth Park for an Easter Egg Hunt. Grandma came to help & to Addison hunt eggs. Thanks Mom for going to be with Addison. I know she loved having you there! Grandma did what Grandma's are suppose to do and let her eat whatever candy she wanted. Needless to say - Addison was hyped up on sugar when she got home that night!!

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