Sunday, February 14, 2010

Addison's Birthday Party

We had Addison's birthday party at Monkey Joe's for all her little friends. We had 19 kids - all except 4 were under the age of 3. Wow that is a lot of toddlers running around. It was so cute, we kept telling Addison that we were going to Monkey Joe's for her birthday party when she woke up from her nap. So one of the first things she said when got up from her nap was she wanted to go play!! All the way there she talked with us about who would be there and the fact that it was her birthday party. Whether she really understood it was her birthday I am not sure.
She had a blast playing at Monkey Joe's. She even came up to me towards the end of the party and said "Mommy, I have fun at Monkey Joe's. I love you." Wow talk about melting your heart. A two year old saying anyone that thinks I am crazy for having a party for her, oh well call me crazy. Those words made it all worth while!!! I know she will not remember; but, for that moment in time she had a blast and that it one of the things life it all about! Living it to the fullest!!!
Addison - I want you to continue to live life to the fullest and never forget the feeling of being a child and carefree!! I love you!
Happy Birthday, my little ladybug!!!! I am glad you enjoyed your day!

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