Monday, December 14, 2009

UGA vs KY Weekend

We went up to see Chrissie & Shane and the kids the weekend before Thanksgiving. We went up to go to the Georgia vs Kentucky game. My parents and Chrissie's parents and sister also went. We all had a great time and I think we should make it a tradition to do it once a year.....just also try to make it a tradition for GA to win (which didn't happen that night). Chrissie and I actually did not stick around for the actual game. When we first got our tickets the time of the game had not been determined, well the week before the game the game time was announced.....7:45pm. Well that's not such a good time for toddlers. So Chrissie and I decided it was in our best interest to just go tailgate and then head back home when everyone was heading to the game. Good thing, because poor Hollis was sick. She was a trooper and hung in there during the day.

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