Monday, October 12, 2009

Wedding bells will soon be ringing....

Saturday we hosted a wedding shower along with Jimmy, Jodi, Buddy, Laura, Kathryn, and Gary & Kerri for Pat & Anne-Marie. Nick's brother Nick is getting married in November so we wanted to give them a shower to celebrate! We had a great time. We had wonderful BBQ, baked beans, pasta salad, and some fruit for lunch. Then of course you have to have cake!!! Yummy!

It got a little wild & crazy at the shower. Okay, not really! It started to rain towards the end of the shower & because the kids were forced to be inside things got crazy with all the kids. As you can see Addison took it upon herself to get on the dining room table. Once up there she started to throw the deocrative balls in my centerpeice at her cousin Ben. Of course Ben loved it!!

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