I didn't do a 19 months post so I thought from this point on I will just do every 2 months. So the last 2 months we have been busy playing outside and enjoying Addison. Addison continues to grow in her communication skills. She is speaking in some sentences even. Well, three word sentences!
She has really taken to her babies and stuffed animals more everyday. She loves playing with her Little People school bus. This may be her favorite toy right now. She loves pretending that she is putting her babies to sleep by putting a "blanket" (really a little washcloth) over them. She loves playing with her puzzles and does a great job of actually matching the puzzles and getting the shapes in the right spot! Her favorite books right now are "Good Night Moon" and "I Love You Stinky Face". With "Good Night Moon" she thinks the moonlight coming in the windows is "noise" because at the very end of the book it says good night noises everywhere! So cute!
Unfortunately she totally understands time-out. The other day she put herself in time-out! She looked at me and said "Time-out, Mama, time-out". I asked her what she did; but, she just ignored me. I heard her the other day put one of her dolls in time-out. Does this tell you that she gets put in time-out often. It's really not that much; but, I guess enough that she knows what it is.
Addison loves pushing the "buttons" on the computer. When she sees that we have left the chair out where our laptop often sits, she runs over there. Before we even notice, we hear her saying "buttons, buttons"....pounding away! She also knows that we can play music from the computer. She runs over to our desk top computer and says "Men, Men". Which is the theme song to "Two and Half Men". She loves the theme song. She not only loves it; but, all music! She loves to dance and spin! I can't wait to get her in dance lessons!
She knows certain colors now. She knows orange, pink, white, red, black, and yellow. She gets them confused sometimes; but, for the most part knows them all. She has orange and white down the best! She continues to amaze Nick and I everyday!
Addison can't get enough of being outside. She loves running around being chased, playing on the playground and just plain being outside!
It is so hard to believe that in another 4 months she is going to be 2. Boy, time is moving too fast. I just want to freeze it!
Addison, Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! Words can never being to express our love for you! As I say every month you bring so much joy to our lives!!! We Love You!!!!