Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Months - December 8th

10 Months

Addison turned 10 months on December 8th. Where has the time gone. I was looking back at some pictures from when she was smaller & it's hard to believe that she was ever that small. Addison is so funny. She has started to make different faces. There is one face in particular that just cracks everyone up! She skints her eyes & gives you what we call the evil eye. Well it's not really evil's just one of those looks that you just know that she is thinking about doing something that she is not suppose to do. She has figured out that she can put her hand up to her mouth & make noise. While she has been waving good-bye for a couple of she will really do it on demand! I was trying to work on blowing kisses; but, this is when she figured out that she could do the hand to mouth & make noise. So I guess the blowing kisses will have to wait until that is not as exciting! Addison points at everything....whether it's to show you something or just to point. She loves pointing. I'm not sure where she pick up on this because we are not pointers. Addison loves climbing....if we had stairs we would be in trouble! Addison can stand on her own now; but, only for a few seconds. Addison continues to be a joy in our lives....I do not know what we did prior to Addison. Who needs TV anymore....we have a cute, adorable baby that entertains us!!!

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