Speaking of standing.....Addison started standing really well on her own last week & took two steps on the 23rd. Each day she continues to take one or two steps. She has not gotten the confidence enough to do more than 2 steps. She also knows that she can crawl much faster so she really only does it a few times a day. My prediction is that she will be walking in the next month. But who knows....she will do it when she is ready and not a minute earlier!!!
Back to Christmas - We enjoyed spending time with our families & friends during this Christmas season! Thank you to everyone that gave Addison Christmas gifts. She really loves each & every one of them. It was so much fun to watch her enjoy opening up the gift then playing with the actual gift it shelf!!! Here are a few pictures of our Christmas celebrations!!! I hope each & everyone reading this blog had a wonderful Christmas!! I hope that each of us took some time to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas - Christ! Addison has a book that I really love because it talks about What is Christmas....is it the presents that we give, is it the cards that we send to family & friends, is it the Christmas programs that we go to each year, is it about the Christmas tree, is it about Santa Claus, is it about the food.....all these things are really nice & superduper fun; BUT....Christmas is much more than that - It's all about God's son....Jesus is the real reason we have a Christmas Day! I hope to teach Addison this in the years to come!!!
Below pictures are a few of the Grayson Family Christmas get together....
Addison finally crashed for the night.....
Christmas Day Morning.....Addison unwrapping her presents that Santa left for her.....
Later in the day....after Uncle Pat & Daddy put together the wagon that Grandma & Grandpa gave to Addison, she got to go for a ride......She LOVED it!!!! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for the great wagon!!!!
Addison playing with the car that Santa gave to her!! She loves for us to push her on it!!! She also likes to push it too! But she really likes to ride it & push the shopping cart that the Valdosta Grayson's gave her!
Is she not the sweetest little girl? It was so sweet we went over to Gary & Kerri's to eat dinner last night & we took the wagon. She of course loved the wagon ride over. We kept having to tell her to sit down; but, she loved it. On the way back, she had fallen asleep at their house. Well we put a blanket down & a pillow, placed her in the wagon & a blanket over her & this is what it looked like! Now does she not look comfortable or what? I just want to eat her up!!!!
Again, we had a wonderful Christmas & are so blessed to have so many wonderful family & friends in our lives!! Thank you to each & every one of you! You are each special to us in so many ways!!! We love you!