Sunday, September 7, 2008

On the Move.....

Addison is official on the move!!! She is in to everything....did I mention that she is into everything? She started this a few days ago. It is so funny how kids want things that they are not suppose to have. She is not actually crawling yet; but, rocks on all fours & manages to get around. Right now she is managing to get where she wants to go by sliding across the floor or getting up on all fours, rocking, then falling forward! She keeps doing this until get get where she wants to go! She is trying to move her legs & arms; but, has not master the technique of crawling just yet! But, trust me that is okay with me.....I can only imagine that she will really be into everything once she is "officially" crawling! I cannot believe that she will be 7 months tomorrow. I will post her 7 month pictures either tomorrow night & Tuesday. I still have to take the pictures...I will do it tomorrow on her 7 month birthday!

Just a random sweet picture.....

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