Thursday, June 12, 2008

Family Pictures

Because I cannot take pictures with all three of us, I have to have to hire someone to take family pictures. My cousin loves photography so I had her take some pictures of us Memorial Day weekend. It was not the best weekend to do family pictures on the beach. We started out at the was very hot & windy. Oh, and tons of people still there at 6pm. Needless to say we did not get any good pictures at the beach. We then decided to go to a friends dock to try to get a few pictures since we were all dressed for pictures. The pictures turned out good with the exception of me not being happy with how I looked in the pictures. I think once I saw the pictures, it was a turning point for me to finally get this extra baby weight off me. I think I am going to have to starve myself for a month or so to get these last pounds off....after all it is bathing suit season. I started meeting my friend Kindall who also just had a baby in the past year (Mason - I have posted pictures of him on the blog) at the gym. It is really nice having someone to keep you accountable at the gym & it makes working out fun by having someone to talk to as well!! Okay, sorry I started are a few pictures from Memorial weekend. Thanks Tori for taking the pictures of us.....(you did a great job)!

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