Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Addison turns 2 months!!!

Addison turns 2 months!!! I never know if I should take her monthly picture on the 8th of every month or when she is 4 weeks, 8 weeks, etc? So, I decided to do it on the 8th of every month. Here are a few pictures that I took of her for her 2 month old pictures!! I can't believe that on Friday she will be 9 weeks...time is flying!! I go back to work in just over 3 weeks & not really looking forward to it (but yes, Rhea & Peggy - I'm coming back)! I know that it will be just a matter of me adjusting to being a "working mom".


The Dart Family said...

Yeah Addison! You're getting so big--we just love you so much!

Jimmy G said...

2 months?She looks ready for the fashion runway.Where does she get all that hair?I guess Addison gets it from Moms side it sure isn't a Grayson trait.Uncle jimmy 1