Once we got back from Charleston, I spent most of the week trying to get the house back in order. Wow...that was a chore. The weekend after we got back from Charleston, we helped to give a shower for our friends Robbie & Holly who are due the end of May with their first child. Holly is on bed rest right now & has been for the past 5 or 6 weeks. Dr. Cobbs said that she could come to the shower but that she had to sit the whole time so she followed doctors orders!! Here are a few pictures from the baby shower.....we can't wait for Peyton to get here....one more friend for Addison!!!!
Then this past weekend was another busy weekend. Nick was in his good friend Brock's wedding. So we had the rehersal dinner Friday night. They had a very nice dinner at the Yatch Club. Then Saturday morning I had Rebecca's bridesmaid luncheon to attend. I was not in the wedding but Rebecca was kind enough to include me in the celebrations!! Nick had a guys lunch for Brock. Then I had a wedding that I was photographing that night (I'll post those pictures in a future blog.). Then of course Nick had Brock & Rebecca's wedding that night too!! You may ask where was Addison this whole time....well we have a wonderful supportive family!!! Aunt Kathryn had Addison Friday night; then Grandma & Grandpa had Addison all day Saturday. (Thank you to Kathryn & my parents!!!) I know Addison enjoyed spending time with you!!!
Then Sunday we had Addison's baptism. I will post pictures of it in the next blog. Here are a few random pictures of Addison over the last few weeks.