Thursday, March 13, 2008

Addison turns 1 Month

Addison turned 1 month old on March 8th. Of course I had to take a picture. I am going to try to take a picture each month on her "monthly" birthday. I got the idea from my friend Melissa who does this with her children....what a neat idea.

Addison met her Godfather for the 1st time in person last weekend. Here is a picture of Michael holding her for the 1st time. Michael is going to be a wonderful Godfather to Addison. Addison has not met her Godmother yet in person. She will meet Chrissie next weekend & we can't wait. Addison is so blessed to have Chrissie & Shane and Michael & Catharine in her life. I know that all four will love her & be true blessings in her life. While Chrissie & Michael will be the listed Godparents; Addison will know all four as her Godparents. I consider her blessed to have all four. I know that I keep using the word blessed; but, that is really the only word to describe it. I cannot say thank you enough to all four for agreeing to be in Addison's life and agreeing to be her Godparents.....THANK YOU!!!
Here are a few more pictures that I have taken over the last week. This next picture I just love. Nick and I had just given Addison a bath. We "ruffled" her hair & took this picture.

This picture is for my Mom...she says that I need to include pictures of me & Addison too. So here you go Mom. Nick took this just for you.

Just a few more pictures......

Oh, I got my pregnancy pictures back last week. They turned out wonderful. It is hard to believe that I was that big at one time...Wow. If you want a peak at the pictures, you can visit Cassandra McDaniel's blog. Thanks Cassandra for such wonderful pictures!!! I can't wait until Addison is a little bigger & we will do family pictures!!!

Well that is it for now....My mom is here today. I asked her to come over so I could get the house back in order. It's pretty off to get organized & cleaned!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!! Till next time....


Anonymous said...

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cassandra-m said...

Girl...I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read you thought you were big when pregnant. I got so many emails saying how cute & tiny you were. I still can't believe Addison was born 3 wks after we took those pics. You were absolutely gorgeous that day & had such a beautiful glow. Ok, so on this post I love the bottom two B/W pics of Addison, her face is cute I want to squeeze her.