Potty Training weekend went well overall. I have known for about 2 months that Addison was ready to potty train. When your child comes to you & asks for her diaper to be changed you know she is ready! So we were finally was able to set aside a weekend were we did not go anywhere. I think we turned down several offers for the beach, pool, dinner and so on. But we were dedicated! We spent 3 days totally committed to potty training (Thursday, Friday, Saturday - we stayed home most of Sunday too; but, did fit in a little pool time).
So how did potty training go you ask? Addison now is totally potty trained for pee peeing on the potty - we are still working on bowel movements. She is afraid still to poo poo so we are still having accidents; but, she will get it! How did we do it? On Thursday morning, Addison and I collected all the diapers and threw them away together. Then we took off her last diaper and put a pair of big girl panties on her. She had 2 accidents first thing on Thursday morning, then did great the rest of the day until Daddy came home. Then it was like a totally different child. It was the weirdest thing - she regressed and didn't want to sit on the potty - asked for a diaper back. I told her that we wear big girl panties now. So she held it & didn't go potty for several hours. Then she woke up the next morning - I was sure it was going to be a new day and she would do fine. Well she held it all morning saying it hurt to use the potty. I then got worried that she was getting a UTI so we went to visit Dr. Shelley that afternoon. By the time we went to visit Dr Shelley she decided that she would use the potty; but, I still took her to the doctor just to be on the safe side. From Friday afternoon on she has not had any pee pee accidents with the exception of a couple of nap time accidents in the past few weeks. She is so good about telling you she has to go potty and can hold it so well for her age. I think a lot of this is because she was ready. Now for BM's; I am clueless and we are still continuing to work on ways to let her know that she doesn't need to be afraid to go do #2 on the potty. We have offered rewards, we have a poo poo wand, we have told her that she will get it one day and there is no reason to be afraid. I keep telling myself it will happen too. So for now, Addison is totally potty trained to go pee pee and still working on bowel movements. She is still wearing "night time panties - ie night time pull-ups at night. Although there have been mornings that she wakes up dry. We will worry with that later - I am just glad about daytime!!!